"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Friday, February 10, 2012

Rise against the machine

I had always known - philosophically - that the battles we face here on earth are just a reflection of a larger spiritual conflict, but to be there in the midst of these terrible forces of power and corruption and the war they were raging against one individual brave enough to stand up against them was breathtaking:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
It is in that framework that I see the noble but naive attempt of the Komen Foundation to cast off the shackles of death that have chained it to Planned Parenthood. When Komen announced that they would no longer fund Planned Parenthood for their phony mammograms, they came under an assault similar to the deadly whipping a runaway slave would receive from a vicious, angry monster/master.

In the one day that the Komen decision stood, they were rewarded with $1,000,000 from pro-life people like you and me, who wanted to show their support. One million dollars in 24 hours!

But Planned Parenthood's death-machine swiftly ground into action, agitating supporters to raise $400,000 themselves - but more insidiously, putting companies that supported both organizations on notice that PP would organize boycotts against them unless they withdrew support from Komen. Yes, really!!!! PP, the Biggest Corporate Bully of All Time - was determined that if the Komen Foundation withdrew its support, they would crush them forever!

This truly shows the lies on which the rhetoric of the Left is built. PP claims to be a friend of women, while in reality it is a corporate monster intent on increasing profits every year through promoting promiscuity and raking in millions from abortions to "solve" the problem it does its best to exacerbate. PP has no conscience, only the same greed that motivates most corporations - multiplies exponentially by a religious zealotry regarding abortion as some kind of sacrament rather than the murder that it truly is.

And let's not forget that in every abortion, the baby is not the only victim. There is the heartbreak and guilt of the mother, the loss to the family and the community of a person who could have turned out to be a president or a culture-changing genius (Obama and Steve Jobs were both born of single mothers who could have chosen abortion).

Planned Parenthood isn't about serving the health of women. And abortion isn't about choice. If Planned Parenthood believed in choice and respected women, they would certainly have graciously received the news of the Komen Foundation's choice and moved on. They would have written their supporters something cuing them to also accept this news with respect and dignity, rather than whipping them into a frenzy of hatred and revenge. They would not have used racketeering techniques (once used to strip pro-life leaders of their homes and assets) to crush a well-meaning organization who dared step off the plantation.

Just as In Lila Rose's exposes of daily life in Planned Parenthood clinics - where counselors figure out how to cover up rape, prostitution and human trafficking while hooking innocent women up with government-paid abortions - this recent political tragedy has revealed Planned Parenthood for the deadly machine it's become.

Read all of it.

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