"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How PP protects women

Phoenix, Arizona 1998
A 13 year old girl in foster care was impregnated by her 23 year-old foster brother.  He took her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion and the clinic failed to notify authorities about the sexual abuse.  The statutory rape continued, and the girl came in for a second abortion six months later.  The case went to court and the Maricopa County Superior Court Judge ruled that Planned Parenthood was negligent in failing to report the abuse. (World Net Daily: Judge finds Planned Parenthood ‘negligent’,  12-27-02)
San Francisco, CA 1998
An 11 yr old girl went to Planned Parenthood Golden Gate after being raped by her 17 year old boyfriend.  She told clinic staff about the rape but asked them not to tell anyone.  In Dec 2005, the clinic put a letter from the girl up on their website praising them for covering up the incident. (World Net Daily: 11-year-old’s rape swept under rug?, 12/16/05)
Santa Clara, CA 2002
A 13 year old was impregnated by her 39 year old step-father.  He brought her to the local PP clinic for a pregnancy test that summer and back in December for an abortion.  Since it was then a late-term abortion, the abortion was performed at San Francisco General Hospital.  The step-father continued to rape the girl until the following summer when her mother found records of the abortion. (California Catholic Daily: “How long would this abuse have continued?”, 9-9-08)
West Hartford, Connecticut 2006
14 year old Danielle Cramer was abducted and impregnated by Adam Gault, age 41, in 2006. Gault brought Cramer to a West Hartford PP clinic for an abortion. PP Clinic did not report Danielle’s situation to the state authorities and now Gault is being charged with DNA evidence from his aborted child. (Eyewitness News 3: Gault Pleads Guilty In Teen’s Sex Assault, 3-5-08, Weekly Standard: Planned Parenthood’s Unseemly Empire, 10-22-07)
Cincinnati, Ohio 2009
Clinic workers at PP of Southwest Ohio ignored the sexual abuse of Denise Fairbanks, age 13 at the time, by her biological father, allowing him to continue raping her for a year and a half. (LifeSiteNews: Planned Parenthood Sued over Failure to Report Teen’s Incest Pregnancy, 5-16-07, CitizenUSA: Planned Parenthood may face charges, 5-30-07)
Cincinnati, Ohio 2009
Planned Parenthood performed an abortion on a 14 year old girl who was impregnated (statutory rape) by her 22-year old soccer coach. Judge ruled PP failed their legal duty by not having a meeting with the girl 24 hours in advance to explain her options – informed consent.
The girl had a March 2004 abortion when she also had a sexually transmitted disease. John Haller was the girl’s 22-year-old soccer coach at the time. Haller, who began having sex with the girl when she was 13, later was convicted of sexual battery and served three years in prison, completing his prison sentence in the fall of 2007.
The girl gave Planned Parenthood workers a cell phone number she said was for her parents. Instead, the number belonged to Haller, who posed as her father over the phone and approved the abortion. (WLWT News 5: Judge Rules In Favor Of Woman Suing Planned Parenthood, 12-9-10, Weekly Standard: Planned Parenthood’s Unseemly Empire, 10-22-07)

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