How does one achieve fertility without destroying human embryos? One couple found the answer:
I will never forget our first conversation with Hilgers. He entered
the room like a knight in a shining white lab coat, and simply asked,
“How can we help?”
“We would like to have a baby,” we told him.
To our shock and utter disbelief, he said, “Well, what if we
find what’s wrong with you and correct it? Then you may be able to have a
baby. How does that sound?”
“Uh … Did you say you want to heal me?”
In the mainstream infertility world, couples are taught to
bypass their reproductive systems to achieve pregnancy — not fix it!
People are consistently told that IVF is the only way to have a baby.
Many lose focus on the truth. In a recent interview with the only doctor
who helped us achieve pregnancy in nine years, Hilgers said, “I don’t
know how many times I’ve had couples tell me that they have been told by
their doctor that they could not get pregnant except by IVF; that there
is no other alternative. It is not true. NaPro Technology is the IVF
NaPro Technology is a medical and surgical breakthrough that
cooperates with the reproductive cycle to identify the fertility problem
and correct it.
Read more about fertility, NaPro technology and Dr. Hilgers.
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