"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Prayer works

We are disappointed that the killing continues, however, there are great gains that have been made in the past year alone, and we should be encouraged by them. First of all — and most important — the majority of Americans now believe that there are too many abortions, that more protection should be given to the unborn, that restrictions on abortion should be imposed. Eighty percent believe that late term abortions should be banned.

America is becoming more pro-life than before. In 1991 there were 2,200 abortion clinics in the United States; today there are only 670! That’s a net loss of 1,530. In the past 18 months alone some 50 clinics have closed their doors permanently. Wichita, Kansas, does not have a single clinic still open. The hearts of Americans have been changing — and that is what we need to bring about a change in laws.

In addition this past year, pro-life bills have flooded American legislatures. Over 900 were introduced in 2011 and many of them passed into law. Others will become law as the legislative processes unfold. Seven states passed legislation that banned so-called “telemed” abortions, i.e. abortions that are done by taking pills under the direction of a doctor via video teleconferencing. That is the only contact with a physician during the procedure.

Six states passed laws banning abortions of babies 20 weeks old based on the presumption of fetal pain. Thirteen other states introduce similar bills that are working their way through the legislative process. Scientists agree that an unborn baby at five months is capable of suffering during an abortion. Many states have more closely regulated abortion clinics, removed millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood from state budgets, authorized the mandatory showing of sonograms of the unborn baby to the mother. It is hard to deny the humanity of the child when his/her picture is seen.

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