"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Drunk driving is NOT pro-life

"During our 2012 National Conference last month, SFLA honored the lives of our dear friends Kortney Blythe Gordon, her pre-born daughter Sophy, and Jon Scharfenberger, who were killed by a drunk driver in Macon, Georgia last October.

Our team decided the best way to make sure that Kortney, Jon and Sophy are a part of all of SFLA's National Conferences moving forward was to name 3 Everyday Hero awards after them. SFLA will present the Kortney, Sophy and Jon Everyday Heros awards at each National Conference to honor the memories of our friends.  These awards will be given out to thank and publicly recognize 3 selfless defenders of the preborn who don't normally get much attention for their tireless work, and to inspire this generation of pro-life leaders to follow these these defenders' footsteps. We also hope that this annual awards ceremony will serve as a strong reminder to those students we work with that driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other mind-altering substances is never the pro-life choice."

I liked this reminder that creating a Culture of Life means so much more than ending abortion. It means valuing and caring for people, respecting their human dignity, and doing all we can to avoid taking life.

When I teach children in religion class, I am obliged to instruct them about their Circle of Grace. The Circle of Grace extends as far out as they can extend their arms, and all around. It extends as far overhead as they can reach, and it encompasses each child all the way down to the floor. The most important person in that Circle is Jesus, then Others, then Yourself.  When we live with those priorities in mind, remaining open to the Holy Spirit, we experience JOY. We can remain in that JOY for all eternity, living in God's circle of Grace in Heaven, if we always respond to Grace by the way we make choices in regard for the dignity of others as well as our own.

Creating a Culture of Life means cherishing the Circle of Grace of every other human being on the planet, not only in our respect for them, but in calling each person to respect their own Circle.

When we pray at 1625 Opdyke, we are cherishing the Circle of Grace that encompasses each soul whose Grace is threatened: the children in the womb, the parents to whom God has entrusted those children, and the staff who are willing to murder that child for profit. We are praying for the construction workers who will make it possible for those staff to kill, the lawyers who defend the killers, the taxpayers who fund these killers, and the presidential administration that made it possible for the killers to earn their profit here in Oakland County.

All of these souls need our prayer & fasting. "Where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more!"

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