"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Cultural attitudes and perceptions of IVF, formed in large part by the media, are long on images of darling IVF children and short on information about the impersonal IVF procedure itself, which is rarely—if ever—described in detail.
Here’s the basic process: oocytes, or human eggs (obtained surgically from the wife’s ovarian follicles in drug-induced, super-ovulated cycles) and prepared sperm (previously collected from the husband, usually through masturbation) are brought together in a petri dish in the laboratory. Fertilization, if it is successful, takes place in that dish in a lab—that is, outside the woman’s body and any act of sexual union between the couple hoping to conceive. Next, three or more blastocyst-stage (five-day old) embryos are placed in the uterus through a process called embryo transfer. Less robust-looking embryos are either destroyed or cryofrozen at -320 degrees Fahrenheit in liquid nitrogen for possible future implantation or use in embryo-destructive research.  

The average cost for a single, basic cycle of IVF in the US is about $12,000. Success rates, a hotly debated topic even within the ART industry, vary widely according to a number of factors, most notably the age of the woman...Today, after the birth of more than four million IVF children worldwide, the procedure is looked upon as commonplace, even routine...

IVF stories in the media, including TV reality shows, continue to generate good audience ratings. But in recent years a number of new, unscripted storylines have begun to emerge, revealing the darker, unsettling underbelly of the ART industry and its practices.

A sampling of these revelations includes: 

·         - Unemployed single mother Nadya Suleman of California gained worldwide notoriety in January 2009 as the “Octomom”—giving birth to eight IVF babies—after a Beverly Hills doctor transferred 12 human embryos to her uterus. It appears that Suleman’s children are the world’s longest-surviving set of octuplets. They joined the six children Suleman had already given birth to through previous IVF procedures. All 14 births were from the same physician, whose medical license was eventually revoked. Although a spokesman for the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the chief advocacy group of the ART industry, condemned the event as a violation of ASRM guidelines for embryo transfer, an Associated Press story revealed that less than 20 percent of IVF clinics in the US follow the guidelines, which do not carry the force of law. 

·         - The largely unknown practice known as “selective reduction” gained prominence through Washington Post journalist Liza Mundy’s book Everything Conceivable: How Assisted Reproduction is Changing Men, Women, and the World (2007). The book offered detailed descriptions of the reductions of multiples-pregnancies (twins, triplets, or more), in which the least viable-looking fetus (or fetuses) is aborted by sodium chloride injection. More recently, a New York Times Magazine cover story (August 11, 2011) highlighted selective reduction under the headline “The Two-Minus One Pregnancy,” recounting chilling explanations from IVF mothers of how they decided which of their fetuses to destroy. 

·         - The connection between sperm banks and IVF clinics drew scrutiny after an article titled “One Sperm Donor, 150 Offspring” appeared in the New York Times (September 5, 2011). In the article, writer Jacqueline Mroz chronicled the myriad potential health and ethical concerns surrounding sperm donation, including the case of one sperm donor who “fathered” 150 children (with more on the way), all of whom are half-siblings. The possibility that genes for rare diseases could be spread throughout the population and the increased odds of incest between half-sisters and half-brothers who live in close proximity to each other but are unaware of their blood relation are just some of the potential problems arising from a largely unregulated sperm-donation industry. 

·         - Two recent documentaries highlight other little-known health consequences of IVF. Eggsploitation  (2010), produced by the Center for Bioethics and Culture, earned high praise from across the political and cultural spectrum for exposing what the film calls the IVF industry’s “dirty little secret”—the hidden dangers and risks to the health of young women who “donate” eggs for use in IVF clinics, thus fueling the human-egg trade. The film was named Best Documentary at the 2011 California Independent Film Festival. Echoes of Our Choice (2010, Ignatius Productions) is a film by Michigan neonatologist Robin Pierucci documenting the largely ignored dangers of premature multiple births—birth defects and high mortality rates—that are common in IVF pregnancies, and devastating to unsuspecting parents. 
These and other revelations represent merely the tip of the IVF iceberg. With regulation of the IVF industry virtually nonexistent in the US, it is estimated that a stockpile of some 500,000 human embryos—labeled as “spares”—are now in a cryopreserved (frozen) state. Moving toward “designer babies,” IVF specialists are marketing and promoting the use of prenatal genetic diagnosis to scan and test chromosomes of IVF embryos, allowing for the elimination of those nascent human beings with less-than-desirable genetic traits. 

This sounds like Gattaca.

Why Fast?

First of all, let's put to rest that ridiculous, girly idea that Lent is all about "taking something up" not "giving something up". I've always considered that to be a soft option. By all means take something up, but you should give something up as well.

Why give something up? Not because it is bad in itself. We're not Manicheans. We don't believe that physical pleasures and physical things are bad in themselves. Instead we give something up not because it is bad, but because we are seeking a greater good. We're seeking self mastery and self discipline and self control.

All of that is good, and also the idea that by giving something up we are focusing more on Christ the King and the Kingdom that is not of this world.

Here's another idea--something more radical: by giving something up we are countering the pleasure obsessed culture in which we live. We are standing the whole thing on its head. We live in a society that is not embarrassed to call itself "consumerist". We live in a culture which considers "more" to always be better and "economic growth" to be a good that cannot be questioned. We live in a society in which "self indulgence" is called "self esteem", where unlimited acquisition is considered a sign of success and where uninhibited pleasure is called "self expression."

So fasting cuts right across all of that. Fasting and abstinence calls it all into question--first for ourselves and then for others. Fasting says to the gluttonous, lustful, greedy society in which we live, "Fuhgeddaboudit"

Fasting is therefore a sign of contradiction. It is being counter cultural. It is being subversive.

I'm for it. At the beginning of Lent I feel like I want to be a hermit--to live a shack in the woods and grow a long beard and be silent and be a sign of contradiction. Suddenly I admire St Simeon Stylites who lived on top of a pillar in the desert for thirty nine years.

Why fast? To be a voice of one crying in the wilderness.

That's why.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pro Contraception = Pro Abortion

Dick Morris, who was once the hardball political strategist for President Bill Clinton, has an interesting take on strategic reasoning behind the Obama mandate. Morris—who has undergone both political and religious conversions since his salad days in the 1990s— argues that the Obama administration is trying to change the subject. For years liberals have used abortion as their leading “culture wars” issue. But with public opinion shifting toward the pro-life view, Morris argues, the Obama re-election team has decided to shift focus, and take a stand on contraception. On that topic, they feel comfortable, the public will support them.

read this and see if you agree with Morris.

examine Bekah

Here is an excerpt from Bekah Smith's interview in the Examiner:

‘Three years ago I attended, for the first time, the annual March For Life in Washington D.C. - where I truly experienced what it meant to be pro-life - not only to make my stand on abortion, but to celebrate life! Mother Teresa said, 'It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing that matters.' For the past three years now I have attended the March For Life with the Crusaders For Life.’

While the hallmark of the Crusaders is joyful exuberance, Smith still comprehends the serious challenges for her generation. ‘Adults are always telling us young people that we are the future. This scares many of us because who wants to have that responsibility? ...As a young Catholic adult, I hope that our generation embraces this challenge and steps up to make a change for our future generation. I believe that we can do this if we put forth the effort and love like that of which the Crusaders and pro-life community have! My only hope is that civil leaders in our country will see that the young people of America do not welcome abortion and these leaders will realize the importance of the sanctity of human life and do more to protect life.’

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Bible condemns contraception

2. In the Bible, babies are always a blessing, never a curse.
Lo, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate (Ps 126:3-5).
The Catholic Church has always agreed with the words of this Psalm: “children are a heritage from the Lord. Happy is the man who has a quiver full of them!” To this effect, Saint Paul teaches:
Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty (1 Tim 2:15).
Granted, this is an obscure passage, but it highlights the esteemed role that women have in bringing new souls into the world. The Christian wife is exhorted to possess “faith and love and holiness, with modesty” but her personal sacrifice of bearing children is esteemed as the greatest response to the grace of God in her life. Just as God the Father is always open to more and more children whom he loves, so also the Catholic parent remains open to this precious gift of life.

The emphasis on the gift of life and the rules and norms for protecting it are essential to Catholic moral teaching. The sexual abuses condemned by the Apostle Paul can be summed up as an abuse of one of the greatest gifts given to humanity—the ability to cooperate with God’s creative power. God could have continued to create human beings just like he created Adam; instead He chose to bring about new persons through the institution of marriage and the family.

3. The case of Onan. Catholics (and pre-1930 Protestants) condemn both masturbation and contraception by appealing to the case of Onan who "spilled his seed on the ground":

He knowing that the children should not be his, when he went in to his brother’s wife, he spilled his seed upon the ground, lest children should be born in his brother’s name. And therefore the Lord slew him, because he did a detestable thing. (Genesis 38:9–10, D-R)
Here, God directly kills Onan for performing coitus interruptus. Onan's crime included gaining the pleasure of sexual relations with Tamar but the refusal to see the act through as a natural act intended for procreation. Hence, intentional spilling of seed, either in the form of masturbation or contraception is gravely sinful - so much so that God killed a man for it.

Some may object: "Yes, but God killed him for not fulfilling Levirate duties - not for contraception." This objection is poor since Judah also failed in executing the Levirate obligations - but he was not killed by God. So then, it was the contraceptive act in particular that proved both sinful and mortal for Onan.

4. The New Testament condemns contraception, which it calls pharmakeiaAs I detail in my book The Catholic Perspective on Paul, Saint Paul condemns contraception by the name of "pharmakeia," the word from which we derive our term "pharmacy."
Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery {pharmakeia}, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21).
Surely, Paul does not mean to condemn those who prescribe herbs for those suffering from gout. Looking back to Saint Paul’s list, we see that the sin of pharamakeia follows sexual sins and the sin of idolatry. These ancient witchdoctors or pharmacists were especially popular in idolatrous cultures, since pagan fertility rites often involved sexual orgies. Obviously, the women involved in these depraved rituals would not wish to bear children to strangers, and so they sought to become sterile or sought to relieve themselves of the responsibility of a child through abortion. The ancient Greek pharmacists could provide drugs to meet these goals.

The book of Revelation also condemns those who practice pharmakeia along with those who practice idolatry, murder, and sexual immorality (Rev 9:20-21). The grouping of pharmakeia with the three sins of idolatry, murder, and sexual immorality further confirms that pharmakeia is sin relating to killing and sexual impurity. The second-century physician Soranos of Ephesus, in his book Gynecology, uses the Greek term pharmakeia to refer to potions used for both contraception and abortion. In a similar manner, the third-century theologian Hippolytus condemned certain Christian women who employed “drugs {pharmakois} for producing sterility.”

Learn why contraception is sinful.


from the Anchorage, AL campaign:

"Please remember that we are the visible sign that the
church of God will not stand idly by while abortions
are being committed in our communities," Haylee told
local volunteers. "You can make a difference in this
fight for life!"

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't be deceived

Deception 2) This is an “isolated incident”
A favorite of Planned Parenthood’s. Every time Live Action releases a video (and we’ve released over 16 now), it is “an isolated incident”. Let the facts speak for themselves. Look at the evidence. For over three years our team has been investigating the institutional sex abuse cover up at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. Even before the human trafficking footage, we released 10 clinics that revealed the sexual abuse cover up of minors as young as 13. In these 10 clinics, we had actors posing as the underage girls, self-reporting abuse and asking for help. In every case, Planned Parenthood worked to cover up the abuse of the underage girl and did not comply with the mandatory reporting laws for sexual abuse. Instead of help and safety, the underage girls are coached by Planned Parenthood staffers on how to cover up abuse and get secret abortions.

Live Action has now released six more clinics in the past week, all showing Planned Parenthood workers, at all levels of the organization, willing to aid and abet the human traffickers of underage girls.

This is an institutional crisis that has engulfed the whole organization. No matter how many times Planned Parenthood’s PR firm says “isolated incident”, the growing body of evidence still stands.

Educate yourself.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Life

Please welcome Blaise William Peters into this world, 7 lb. 13 oz., 21 in. and very healthy!

Thank you, Jesus!

How PP protects women

Phoenix, Arizona 1998
A 13 year old girl in foster care was impregnated by her 23 year-old foster brother.  He took her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion and the clinic failed to notify authorities about the sexual abuse.  The statutory rape continued, and the girl came in for a second abortion six months later.  The case went to court and the Maricopa County Superior Court Judge ruled that Planned Parenthood was negligent in failing to report the abuse. (World Net Daily: Judge finds Planned Parenthood ‘negligent’,  12-27-02)
San Francisco, CA 1998
An 11 yr old girl went to Planned Parenthood Golden Gate after being raped by her 17 year old boyfriend.  She told clinic staff about the rape but asked them not to tell anyone.  In Dec 2005, the clinic put a letter from the girl up on their website praising them for covering up the incident. (World Net Daily: 11-year-old’s rape swept under rug?, 12/16/05)
Santa Clara, CA 2002
A 13 year old was impregnated by her 39 year old step-father.  He brought her to the local PP clinic for a pregnancy test that summer and back in December for an abortion.  Since it was then a late-term abortion, the abortion was performed at San Francisco General Hospital.  The step-father continued to rape the girl until the following summer when her mother found records of the abortion. (California Catholic Daily: “How long would this abuse have continued?”, 9-9-08)
West Hartford, Connecticut 2006
14 year old Danielle Cramer was abducted and impregnated by Adam Gault, age 41, in 2006. Gault brought Cramer to a West Hartford PP clinic for an abortion. PP Clinic did not report Danielle’s situation to the state authorities and now Gault is being charged with DNA evidence from his aborted child. (Eyewitness News 3: Gault Pleads Guilty In Teen’s Sex Assault, 3-5-08, Weekly Standard: Planned Parenthood’s Unseemly Empire, 10-22-07)
Cincinnati, Ohio 2009
Clinic workers at PP of Southwest Ohio ignored the sexual abuse of Denise Fairbanks, age 13 at the time, by her biological father, allowing him to continue raping her for a year and a half. (LifeSiteNews: Planned Parenthood Sued over Failure to Report Teen’s Incest Pregnancy, 5-16-07, CitizenUSA: Planned Parenthood may face charges, 5-30-07)
Cincinnati, Ohio 2009
Planned Parenthood performed an abortion on a 14 year old girl who was impregnated (statutory rape) by her 22-year old soccer coach. Judge ruled PP failed their legal duty by not having a meeting with the girl 24 hours in advance to explain her options – informed consent.
The girl had a March 2004 abortion when she also had a sexually transmitted disease. John Haller was the girl’s 22-year-old soccer coach at the time. Haller, who began having sex with the girl when she was 13, later was convicted of sexual battery and served three years in prison, completing his prison sentence in the fall of 2007.
The girl gave Planned Parenthood workers a cell phone number she said was for her parents. Instead, the number belonged to Haller, who posed as her father over the phone and approved the abortion. (WLWT News 5: Judge Rules In Favor Of Woman Suing Planned Parenthood, 12-9-10, Weekly Standard: Planned Parenthood’s Unseemly Empire, 10-22-07)

Sounds like exorcism to me

The campaign in Sydney kicked off with a procession to
the vigil site -- the Pre-Term Foundation, the oldest
abortion facility in Sydney. An estimated 400 people
took part, including Bishop Terry Brady of the Catholic

"As in previous years, the procession saw its fair
share of hecklers," reports one of the local team
leaders. "One lady began screaming and writing on the
ground with chalk in front of the facility, until a
sudden downpour of rain stopped her mid-sentence."

"This Lent, we are going to Calvary, to take love where
there is no love, where innocence is crucified," said
local coordinator Paul Hanrahan.


For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you
may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having
done all, to stand.

-- Ephesians 6:12-13

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

I am confounded to see how the battle over the issue
of life is perceived more often in churches today as
political rather than spiritual.

Ironically, the enemy has used this twisted perception
to silence many in the body of Christ.

We must see the battle for what it is and we must
daily "put on" the armor God has given us:

>> Gird your waist with Truth (vs. 14) -- Commit your
  emotions to believe truth and to speak truth,
  regardless of the repercussions.

>> Put on the breastplate of Righteousness (vs. 14) --
  It will protect our hearts -- the innermost springs of
  our beings -- from all unrighteousness so evident in
  this fallen world.

>> Shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel
  of Peace. (vs. 15) -- Preparation is vital if we are
  to be effective in God's work.

>> Taking the shield of faith (vs.16) -- The Accuser
  will instill doubt, fear, and guilt. Faith acts as an
  invisible shield that deflects such false accusations.

>> Taking the Helmet of salvation (vs.17) -- A helmet
  protects the head, the brain and in turn our mind and
  thoughts. Satan hopes we will set aside divine
  revelation for human reasoning.

>> Taking the sword of the Spirit (vs.17) -- The Word
  of God, the only offensive weapon in this armor, was
  used by the Lord Jesus against Satan. The living Word
  is powerful and effective.

Our armor is complete. We are ready to wage war, and
the next verse tells us how, "Praying always with all
prayer and supplication in the spirit." (vs.18)

Friday, February 24, 2012

The other 98 percent

Planned Parenthood is a business, and abortion is where the money is.

Using data from Planned Parenthood’s Annual Reports from 1997 to 2008, these charts expose the violent reality of America’s largest abortion provider.

As seen in the graphs above, 98% of Planned Parenthood’s “services” for pregnant women are abortions.*
Find out where your money goes.

Speaker presentation in Ann Arbor

From: Sandie Weathers, Pro-Life Action Network

Assisted suicide is already legal in 3 states of the U.S.  This November, Massachusetts will vote on legalization.  The movement to legalize in other states proceeds.

On Saturday, Feb. 25, in the Parish Hall immediately after the 4:30 Mass at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, hear speaker Jason Negri, Assistant Director of the Patients Rights Council, outline practical steps to protect you and your family and our nation against assisted suicide and euthanasia.

The 45-minute talk will be followed by Q & A.  Refreshments served.

Jason Negri, JD, is a practicing attorney, specializing in estate planning.  His articles have appeared in Faith magazine, Crisismagazine.com and Columbia, the monthly magazine of the Knights of Columbus.  He has co-authored the booklet Freedom to Flourish: a Catholic Analysis of Doctor-Prescribed Suicide and Euthanasia, published in 2011 by the Knights of Columbus as part of their Veritas series.

A member of the State Bar of Michigan and Admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, he has given numerous presentations on the practical and ethical aspects of end of life issues.  He is a former adjunct professor of education law at Concordia University in Ann Arbor and is currently teaching law to high school juniors and seniors through Homeschool Connections.  He has been interviewed by Al Kresta on his afternoon program on Ave Maria radio, "The Things that Matter Most."

Fasting is Biblical

When we fast, we follow holy example. Moses and Elijah fasted forty days before going into God’s presence (Ex 34:28, 1 Kgs 19:8). Anna the Prophetess fasted to prepare herself for the coming of the Messiah (Lk 2:37). They all wanted to see God, and they considered fasting a basic prerequisite. We, too, wish to enter God’s presence, so we fast.

Jesus fasted (Mt 4:2). And since He needed no purification, He surely did this only to set an example for us. In fact, He assumed that all Christians would follow His example. “When you fast,” he said, “do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting” (Mt 6:16). Note that He did not say “IF you fast,” but “when.”

And WHEN is now. In Lent the Church extends the idea of fasting, beyond the minimal skipping of meals, to a more far-reaching program of self-denial. Jesus said: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself … daily” (Lk 9:23). So we “give up” something that we’d ordinarily enjoy: sweets, soda pop, a favorite TV show, or the snooze alarm.

Fasting has its health benefits, but it’s not the same as dieting. Fasting is something spiritual and far more positive. Fasting is a spiritual feast. It does for the soul what food does for the body.

The Bible spells out specific spiritual benefits of fasting. It produces humility (Ps 69:10). It shows our sorrow for our sins (1 Sam 7:6). It clears a path to God (Dan 9:3). It is a means of discerning God’s will (Ezr 8:21) and a powerful method of prayer (8:23). It’s a mark of true conversion (Jl 2:12).

Fasting helps us to be detached from the things of this world. We fast, not because earthly things are evil, but precisely because they’re good. They’re God’s gifts to us. But they’re so good that we sometimes prefer the gifts to the Giver. We practice self-indulgence rather than self-denial. We tend to eat and drink to the point where we forget God. Such indulgence is really a form of idolatry. It’s what St. Paul meant when he said, “their god is the belly … with minds set on earthly things” (Phi 3:19).

How can we enjoy God’s gifts without forgetting the Giver? Fasting is a good way to start. The body wants more than it needs, so we should give it less than it wants.

...All of this is part of our preparation for heaven. For we’re destined to lose our earthly goods anyway. Time, age, illness and “doctor’s orders” can take away our taste for chocolate, our ability to enjoy a cold beer, and even the intimate embrace of a loved one. If we have no discipline over our desires, then these losses will leave us bitter and estranged from God. But if we follow Jesus in self-denial, we’ll find a more habitual consolation in the ultimate good — God Himself.

-excerpt from Way of the Fathers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Did you know?

We have a Facebook page.


Expose Planned Parenthood

Q: Planned Parenthood only reports 3% of its services have anything to do with abortion. Aren’t they mostly dedicated to providing family planning services to low-income populations?
A: The 3% statistic is misleading because Planned Parenthood unbundles its services when reporting them. Last year, Planned Parenthood saw 3 million clients and performed 324,008 abortions—at least one in 10 Planned Parenthood clients receives an abortion. As Abby Johnson, ex-Planned Parenthood director and employee of eight years has shared, they push for abortions above anything else because it’s the most profitable part of their business.

Q: But doesn’t Planned Parenthood prevent more abortions by offering contraception?

A: No. According to Planned Parenthood’s own estimates in an October 2010 fact sheet, they perform more abortions than they prevent. (324,008 abortions to 283,000 prevented)
Q: If Planned Parenthood didn’t receive federal funding, where else would people get free STD testing?
A: Nearly 7,000 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are scattered throughout the country and provide even more free assistance to underprivileged people. Planned Parenthood only has 800 clinics nationally and may turn people away if they can’t pay.

Q: What about cancer screening and much-needed mammograms?

A: Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms. Even though they tout the ability to provide mammograms, there is no Planned Parenthood clinic that actually provides them in-house.  They have to refer out for them, just like most other clinics, which means they are not allocating their federal dollars to help low-income women pay for mammograms.
Q: Won’t people be stuck with nowhere to turn for health care without Planned Parenthood?
A: Planned Parenthood would love you to believe they are the only place to access free or low cost healthcare, but that is absolutely false. Nearly 7,000 Federally Qualified Health Centers in the U.S. provide comprehensive health care for men, women and children, instead of the narrow spectrum of care offered by Planned Parenthood.
FQHCs are able to provide annual exams, STD testing, all birth control methods and everything else Planned Parenthood provides – except abortion.  They also provide many services Planned Parenthood does not offer including vaccinations, x-rays, vision, dental, prenatal care and primary care to all members of the family.
Q: Why can’t we subsidize Planned Parenthoods that don’t perform abortions?
A: Good question. The sad fact is that Planned Parenthood is forcing every one of its 99 affiliates throughout the country to offer abortions by at least one of its clinics by 2011.  Once again, abortion is much more important to Planned Parenthood than they’d like you to believe.

more Q&A here

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Inauguration Day

or Commencement Day.

Today is the first of many days for us to dedicate ourselves to the most vulnerable people in the world.

We must pray for the success of this campaign and that the Lord will continue to call forth participants from Oakland County. 

Please join Monica at 6pm for a mini-kickoff, and know that I am with you in the solidarity of the Holy Spirit.

When, not If

I discovered that the ancient Church teaches just what the New Testament teaches on the point, namely, that fasting is a salutary thing for us to undertake. Jesus fasted and assumed that His followers would. "When ye fast," He said, not "if." Saint Paul both practiced it and taught it. It seems to constitute a reminder to u that our appetites are not all and that man shall not live by bread alone. Furthermore, if we may believe the universal testimony of Christians who do practice it, it also clarifies our spiritual vision somehow. Lastly, it is a token of the Christian's renunciation of the world. There is no thing that a Christian will insist he must have at all costs. Fasting supplies an elementary lesson here.

Lent asks us to ponder Christ's self-denial for us in the wilderness. It draws us near to the mystery of Christ's bearing temptation for us in His flesh, and of how in this Second Adam our flesh, which failed in Adam, now triumphs.

Lent also leads us slowly toward that most holy and dread of all events, the Passion of Christ. What Christian will want to arrive at Holy Week with his heart unexamined, full of foolishness, levity, and egoism? To those for whom any special observances hint of legalism or superstition one can only bear witness that the solemn sequence of Lent turns out to be something very different from one's private attempts at meditating on the Passion. To move through the disciplines in company with millions and millions of other believers allover the world is a profoundly instructive thing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Prayer Does

Christian prayer has a divine quality to it. It is not just an activity rooted in the exercise of my own psychological powers. This prayer is directed to something beyond all the natural capacities of my soul. It is animated by a deeper more vital principle. Indeed, my faculties are naturally limited by time and space. Christian prayer explodes out of heaven into our lives, imbues our weakened nature with the supernatural, and constantly pierces through this dying cosmos to a new birth, an eternal reality beginning to unfold.

Such prayer is something new. Whole societies can be transformed by it but no politics can contain or manipulate it. The foolishness of this prayer outwits human cleverness. Such prayer is caused by something that stands outside and above the broken cycles, power struggles, agendas and programs of this aging tired old world.

Someone above our nature evokes a new cry of the heart and infuses us with a new recognition in the midst of joy and sorrow. In this Someone we see all that is good, beautiful, noble and true about what it means to be human - only in Him, these things are not subject to death. In Him, these things cannot be compromised. In Him, prayer finds the substance of hope.

Christian prayer is the prayer of the Risen Lord moving in the hearts of those who cling to Him by faith. To pray in Christ is to have Christ pray in us. He does this through the Gift of the Holy Spirit. To live in Christ is to allow the Holy Spirit to animate the whole of our lives so that we live in Christ, the very life of Christ, a life no longer subject to sin and death even in the face of our own failures and weaknesses. It was so that we might receive this gift that He suffered death and raised our humanity with Him into heaven. He yearns for us to live in this new humanity, to believe in it, to cling to it -- not in some future afterlife -- but right now, in the present moment. Prayer accesses this new life, connects us to the Heavenly Man, and opens into the Heart of Christ. What does this love imbued prayer mean practically?

In the face of our new humanity, we must let go of all kinds of dehumanizing fantasies and dreams. Confronted with the Heart of God, we must renounce all kinds of pleasures, comforts, satisfactions and preferences not worthy of the sons and daughters of God. Furthermore, with great trust, we must choose what we do not understand and trust in divine action accomplishing what we cannot imagine. For God is more than what we can grasp and his work surpasses anything we can envision. When it seems most senseless to do so, we must persevere in love for love -- always believing in his love to the point of being consumed by it. Here when it is most painful, we must render ourselves vulnerable before God, as vulnerable as a crucified man.

Guided by loving devotion and soaked with tears, Christian prayer learns the last cry of Jesus from the Cross. If in such prayer one breaths his last -- then by this same prayer, one will be raised up. Behold the humble prayer which gives God space to make all things new: his glory has already begun to shine here and now, in the midst of trials and persecution, hardships and sacrifices -- for we cannot begin to pray except when we realize our weakness, we cannot begin to love except at our own expense.

Beginning to Pray

Tomorrow is BIG

 a message from Sean Carney:

When we conducted the first 40 Days for Life campaign
in College Station, Texas, back in 2004, if you had
told me that 40 Days for Life would spread around the
globe ... I wouldn't have believed it.

We thought there would be ONE -- and only one --
40 Days for Life campaign. EVER.

Thankfully, God's plans were bigger than ours ... and
40 Days for Life has now been conducted in hundreds of
cities and towns across all 50 American states -- and
thirteen other countries.

One of those countries where 40 Days for Life is making
a profound impact is England. This spring, there will
be four local campaigns conducted across Great Britain.

A few days ago, they flew 40 Days for Life national
director David Bereit and me "across the pond" to help
kick off campaigns in London, Birmingham and Manchester.

We were amazed to see how God has inspired thousands
of people across the UK to pray and fast, stand in
peaceful vigil and participate in community outreach ...

... and now YOU can see the big picture by watching this
brand-new 15-minute video of how 40 Days for Life is
positively impacting England:


As I said ... this is BIG. And you can be a part.

40 Days for Life is God's work -- but in order to make
this happen, He needs YOU!

We start tomorrow. Will you be there?

Please pray

On 2/22, Ash Wednesday, from 6-7pm, the last hour of prayer for the
first of forty days of peaceful prayer vigilance, Monica will be
leading a mini-kickoff. Some of you may not have been able to make it
this past Sunday for the regional Kickoff. She will speak a few words,
and I ask that you join in praying for the success of this campaign.

Please pray for the appeals process, that Judge Alexander's decision
will be overturned. Please pray for the lawyers representing Planned
Parenthood, that they might experience conversion. Please pray for the
lawyers representing Comfort Suites, that they might be sustained in
their task. Please pray for the contractors that are going to help PP
build their mega-facility, that they might experience conversion.
Please pray for the City of Auburn Hills, that they will seek to make
PP unwelcome to do business. Please pray for the passersby who will
witness us praying on the sidewalk, that their hearts and minds might
be opened to the truth. Please pray for the PP staff who will occupy
this building, that they might have the scales fall from their eyes.
Please pray for the parents who contemplate this decision to abort
their child, may their hearts be opened to receiving their child as a
blessing. Please pray for our society and our government that support
this scourge, may healing come upon us. Please pray for the flowering
of a Culture of Life in Oakland County. Please pray for the success of
the campaigns in Bloomfield Hills, Southfield, and Ann Arbor, and for
the vigil coordinators there. Please pray for Monica Miller. Please
pray for Lauren Muzyka, Sean Carney, David Brandao, and David Bereit
from the national team. Please pray for Tim and Brenda and all the
people who work or volunteer in their pregnancy resource centers.
Please pray for Jim Sesi and all those who work or volunteer for Right
to Life. Please pray that captains will come forward to adopt entire
days of prayer and who will recruit participants. Please pray for the
technology that we use, that it may serve us well. Please pray for
1625 Opdyke, that it will remain a nondescript piece of property and
not a place where thousands of children will lose their lives.

Please pray for the children whose lives will be saved when 1625
Opdyke shuts down.
Peace of Christ be with you!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Coming Soon

to a theater near you: the pro-life movie, October Baby.

Also, the 40 Days for Life starts on Wednesday.

1 in 4

"The killing of a quarter of the black population of the U.S. has not come from lynch mobs of my childhood days but from abortionists."
--Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King

Kickoff Rally

Some 175 people gathered today at 3pm at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in downtown Detroit to pray for a successful beginning to this year's first 40 Days for Life campaign.

It was put together by various Knights of Columbus councils working with regional 40DFL coordinators.

In Metro Detroit we have 4 vigils taking place, in Ann Arbor, Southfield, Bloomfield Hills, and Auburn Hills, and they all begin this Wednesday.

If you haven't yet signed up to pray on the sidewalk and offer your fasting to the Lord, who gave us this example in the Bible, please visit our website 40daysforlife.com/auburnhills

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Showing concern on the sidewalk

The Pope, as a man of prayer, has some wisdom to share for these upcoming 40 Days:

  "'Being concerned for each other' also entails being concerned for their spiritual well-being. Here I would like to mention an aspect of the Christian life, which I believe has been quite forgotten: fraternal correction in view of eternal salvation. Today, in general, we are very sensitive to the idea of charity and caring about the physical and material well-being of others, but almost completely silent about our spiritual responsibility towards our brothers and sisters. This was not the case in the early Church. ... Christ Himself commands us to admonish a brother who is committing a sin. ... The Church's tradition has included 'admonishing sinners' among the spiritual works of mercy. It is important to recover this dimension of Christian charity. We must not remain silent before evil. I am thinking of all those Christians who, out of human regard or purely personal convenience, adapt to the prevailing mentality, rather than warning their brothers and sisters against ways of thinking and acting that are contrary to the truth and that do not follow the path of goodness. Christian admonishment, for its part, is never motivated by a spirit of accusation or recrimination. It is always moved by love and mercy, and springs from genuine concern for the good of the other. ... In a world pervaded by individualism, it is essential to rediscover the importance of fraternal correction, so that together we may journey towards holiness. ... It is a great service, then, to help others and allow them to help us, so that we can be open to the whole truth about ourselves, improve our lives and walk more uprightly in the Lord's ways".

(2) Being concerned for each other: the gift of reciprocity.

  "This 'custody' of others is in contrast to a mentality that, by reducing life exclusively to its earthly dimension, fails to see it in an eschatological perspective and accepts any moral choice in the name of personal freedom. A society like ours can become blind to physical sufferings and to the spiritual and moral demands of life. This must not be the case in the Christian community!"  "The Lord's disciples, united with Him through the Eucharist, live in a fellowship that binds them one to another as members of a single body. This means that the other is part of me, and that his or her life, his or her salvation, concern my own life and salvation. Here we touch upon a profound aspect of communion: our existence is related to that of others, for better or for worse. Both our sins and our acts of love have a social dimension. This reciprocity is seen in the Church, the mystical body of Christ: the community constantly does penance and asks for the forgiveness of the sins of its members, but also unfailingly rejoices in the examples of virtue and charity present in her midst. ... Christians can also express their membership in the one body which is the Church through concrete concern for the poorest of the poor. Concern for one another likewise means acknowledging the good that the Lord is doing in others".

We must show charitable concern for those who would support Planned Parenthood in our county.

When you pray, pray for those who need Christ's admonishment as sinners (hint: that includes you and me)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Right vs. Might

Below is fact and fiction on the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act:

THE CLAIM: Senator Blunt’s amendment would allow anyone to deny coverage of any health care for any reason. It would take    us back to the medical dark ages. THE FACTS: This is unequivocally false. Senator Blunt’s amendment simply restores conscience protections that existed before President Obama’s flawed health care law – the same protections that have existed for more than 220 years since the First Amendment was ratified.
THE CLAIM: Any employer can deny coverage of specific items under Senator Blunt’s amendment – whether faith-based or secular. THE FACTS: Senator Blunt’s amendment would do nothing to change or restrict the same rights that Americans have enjoyed for more than 220 years. If an employer has a religious or moral objection to a type of coverage, Senator Blunt’s amendment affords them the same rights that they had before ObamaCare to negotiate a plan with a health insurance company that meets their needs.However, Senator Blunt’s amendment does nothing to force the health insurance company to offer that plan – it simply ensures that Americans are guaranteed the same rights and freedoms that they enjoyed before President Obama’s unconstitutional mandate.Senator Blunt’s amendment also provides a private right of action for employers and individuals who believe their conscience rights have been violated by government mandates. Federal courts are well equipped to identify spurious claims.
  THE CLAIM: Senator Blunt’s amendment would gut existing state mandates on contraception coverage. THE FACTS: Senator Blunt’s amendment would not impact existing state laws, and it does not address any other law other than President Obama’s flawed health care plan.
  THE CLAIM: There is no precedent for broad conscience protections like ones that the Blunt amendment would enact. THE FACTS: Many longstanding federal health care conscience laws protect conscientious objections to certain types of medical services.

To read Senator Blunt’s amendment, please click here.

To God be the glory!

The spring 40 Days for Life begins next week -- and it's
going to be the largest spring campaign yet!

From Wednesday, February 22, through Sunday, April 1,
40-day campaigns of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil
and community outreach will be held in ...

... 258 cities ...

... all across the United States (44 states and the
District of Columbia) plus Canada, Australia, England,
Ireland and Spain!

Twenty of these locations are launching their FIRST-EVER
40 Days for Life campaigns.

As we prepare our hearts for this campaign, there is
some big news ...

... since the last 40 Days for Life campaign ended,
FOUR more abortion centers where 40 Days for Life
vigils have been conducted have shut their doors
and CLOSED ...

... and a FIFTH is scheduled to lock its doors
forever on March 1!

This will make TWENTY-ONE abortion centers where
40 Days for Life vigils have occurred that have
shut down.

To God be the glory!

If you've not taken part in 40 Days for Life before,
I hope this shows you what can happen when you put
your trust in God and step forward in faith.

Birth Control = Breast Cancer

There has been a lot of talk around the blogosphere, in the news, and likely in our homes about the HHS Mandate and what it means for our Church and our lives lately.  Now, from what I’ve read from those who back the Mandate, they are primarily motivated by concern for women.  They (seem to) sincerely believe that providing free artificial birth control is the right thing to do.   They point out that there is a link between BC and a reduced risk of ovarian cancer.  They say not all women can practice NFP because not all women are in healthy relationships.  Some think that NFP only works if your cycles are clockwork regular and if there are no added conditions such as endometriosis or PCOS.  All of these points sound very reasonable. Compassionate even.  But sadly, they are misguided.  Society has been lied to, and it believes the lies.

The thing is, birth control is not going to fix any of that. For women in abusive relationships, it is easier to prescribe a drug than to do whatever we can to get her out of that situation. It will do nothing to change the man’s behavior towards her, yet many feel like preventing her pregnancy with drugs is the charitable choice. Women and men need and deserve real help, not stop-gap measures that treat fertility like a disease.  Her fertility isn’t the problem, the relationship is.  These women don’t need birth control, they need to be taken out of harmful relationships. Their men need to be taught respect. It’s not easy. But it is the right thing.

As far as cancer goes…well…no. The thing is, a woman has a 1 in 70 chance of developing ovarian cancer. That’s a 1.4% chance over the course of her lifetime.  A woman has a 1 in 8 chance ( 12.5%)  of developing breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. And while some may argue that there is no link between breast cancer and BC, I just can’t buy that.  Looking at the math, it’s just not worth it.

The idea that only women with regular, perfectly healthy cycles is just false. A quick google search can fix that, but to save you the trouble, here is a link.  So many women are denied the incredibly satisfying experience of looking at their chart and saying, “Wow. I did that. I ovulated. My body is a beautiful, wonderful creation.”

Conversely, they are denied the fertility awareness to look at their charts and realize that their bodies may not be functioning in fertile ways. Those of us in the NFP community hear stories of women struggling with infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, and other difficulties who learned about these issues because they learned about their bodies. The BC stop-gap strikes again when women on chemical birth control are unable to determine these issues through fertility awareness.

Most people who advocate for BC do so out of compassion for women. They really truly believe that it is for the best. No one wants anyone to be in an abusive relationship, have an increased risk of cancer, or be denied real, problem-solving treatment. The problem is that their love, their charity, lacks truth.

-excerpt from this post. Whether or not you agree with the author's Catholic beliefs, she has a pretty good statisitc that's worth emphasizing.

How I became pro-choice

Kristen Walker has posted a revealing portrait of her life before she became anti-abortion at LifeSiteNews. Here's a glimpse:

Driving past the abortion clinic, watching my boss flip the bird to a group of praying strangers, I only have the foggiest notion of what “pro-choice” means...it has an ephemeral quality to it, a sense of non-meaning, as though it’s not so much a phrase as a magic blanket that can stretch to cover anything we wish. But I like the sound of it. It sounds inclusive, warm, reasonable.


I think the words in my head and decide I like them. I like the club I belong to now. I will worry about the details later. Or maybe I won’t.

Sitting there in my boss’s Beamer, I feel a sense of pride and belonging. I am a smart, liberated, enlightened young woman. I am a feminist and a believer in human rights. I am one of the sane ones, the caring ones, the indispensable right-thinking ones.

I am pro-choice.

Of course, we know that this means she was pro-abortion, but she reveals how some young women simply don't know what abortion really entails. Abby Johnson never understood until she saw a young child with arms and eyes get cut into pieces on a sonogram. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Contraceptives kill children

By forcing Catholics to pay for birth control pills, Obama has inadvertently forced into the light a medical fact that contraception’s supporters would like to forget: Contraceptive pills work in several ways. The Mayo Clinic lists them here.  Among them: “Alter the lining of the uterus so a fertilized egg doesn’t attach to it.” A “fertilized egg,” in layman’s terms, is a newly conceived human being who is already male or female and with all the genetic information that will determine whether or not she is tall, short, good at singing or excellent at softball. And preventing implantation kills that new boy or girl.

I am very grateful Tom Hoopes mentioned this. This is not a Catholic belief- it's medical fact.

Pray for Religious LIberty

Lord God, 
You are the Author of Life and Freedom.

In your Spirit, we have the freedom of the children of God,
And in your Name, we promote the freedom of all
To seek, embrace, and live the truth of your Word.

In that freedom, Lord, we your people stand with Life
And reject whatever destroys life
Or distorts the meaning of human sexuality.

In that freedom, Lord, we your people live our lives
In a way that advances your Kingdom of Life,
And we refuse to cooperate in what is evil.

At this moment, therefore, when our government has decided
To force us to cooperate in evil,
We pray for the grace to be faithful to you
And to oppose the unjust laws and mandates
That have been imposed upon us and our institutions.

We pray for the conversion of those in civil authority
Who fail to appreciate the demands of conscience.
We pray for the complete reversal of all policies
That permit the destruction of life
Or coerce the cooperation of your people
In practices that are wrong.

Bring us to a Culture of Life.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Visit the Priests for Life Website for more information about this prayer.

Talking Points

  • This issue is not primarily about the Catholic Church; it is primarily about America, and whether or not freedom of conscience will be respected and protected by the law of the land. The HHS mandate affects virtually every employer across the nation. Only a fraction of them are religious employers, and an even smaller fraction of those are Catholic. 
  • Freedom of conscience and religion are not just for religious groups. They are a right of every American, indeed, every human being. Every employer, every insurer, every person has a conscience, and has to be free to live in a way consistent with it.
  • There are many non-religious reasons for opposing the HHS mandate.
  •  What is happening here is a clash of worldviews. The Obama administration and other powerful forces on the other side of this battle see contraception, abortion, and sterilization as goods to which all should -- indeed must -- have access. Some of these forces strive to have abortion declared as an international human right. For them, it is the most natural conclusion in the world that these "services" should be mandated.
  • The religious exemption in the HHS mandate is so narrow that countless religious organizations -- including Priests for Life -- do not qualify for it. The exemption requires that the entity to be employing members of its own faith serving members of its own faith. But we do not serve others because of their beliefs; we serve them because of our beliefs. Living the faith means spreading the faith and having a mission to all the world. But the administration does not make room for that fact in this mandate.  Moreover, the government should not be defining who is religious enough to qualify as a religious entity.
  • The "accommodation" announced on February 10 was just a Presidential speech. It did not actually implement new policy. The policy that has been officially put in place is the same as it was before.
  • The "accommodation" announced on February 10, even if implemented, does not change the moral or legal problems involved in the mandate. Whoever pays for the objectionable services, and whoever speaks to the employees about them, coerced cooperation is still in place, namely, that the employer still has to provide an insurance plan that covers these immoral activities. We want the freedom to provide insurance to our employees that does not cover immoral activities.
  • The mandate speaks of a year's extension given to certain objecting groups to "adapt" to the rule, without any provision for changing the rule. We do not need a year or a moment to consider what we will do. The rule is unjust. You don't adapt to injustice, you oppose it.
  • Because the FDA defines most abortion-inducing drugs as "contraceptives," this mandate bypasses the federal restrictions on abortion funding or coercion in matters of abortion. If this mandate is allowed to stand, it will pave the way for coercion of abortion on demand.
  • The remedies to this unjust mandate come in various forms. First, it has been challenged in federal court by various groups, including Priests for Life. The Priests for Life lawsuit seeks to have the mandate enjoined, and declared unconstitutional.
  • There is also a legislative remedy being formed in Congress. Americans should express to their Senators and Representatives their support for laws that protect the rights of conscience.
  • Rallies and demonstrations at federal buildings across the nation are also being prepared. A national rally day has been declared for Friday, March 23. (See www.standupforreligiousfreedom.com).
  • This is and must be presented also as an election issue. Elections have consequences. This whole problem is an example of trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. Many of those fighting this mandate also worked hard to inform voters of the positions of the candidates in the 2008 election cycle, and warned that we could end up in a mess like we have today. At the same time, many others fighting this mandate now were nowhere to be found during that election cycle.  This is an excellent lesson to bring to this year's elections. Let's be active in distributing voter education material that will help voters elect people who respect life and conscience. (See www.PoliticalResponsibility.com.)

98 percent?

The statistics in the Guttmacher study appear to be okay for the purpose for which the study was originally intended. The intention of the study was to answer something like the following question: "Among women of various religious groups who are now sexually active but do not wish to become pregnant, what percentage use different methods of avoiding pregnancy?" But the purpose for which the statistic for Catholic women from the study is now being used is to argue, "A very high percentage of Catholic women (or, perhaps, Catholic women of child-bearing age) are currently not following the Catholic Church's teachings on sex and contraception and have a use for contraception forbidden by the Catholic Church."

For that purpose, these statistics are bogus.

Learn how to lie with statistics here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Drunk driving is NOT pro-life

"During our 2012 National Conference last month, SFLA honored the lives of our dear friends Kortney Blythe Gordon, her pre-born daughter Sophy, and Jon Scharfenberger, who were killed by a drunk driver in Macon, Georgia last October.

Our team decided the best way to make sure that Kortney, Jon and Sophy are a part of all of SFLA's National Conferences moving forward was to name 3 Everyday Hero awards after them. SFLA will present the Kortney, Sophy and Jon Everyday Heros awards at each National Conference to honor the memories of our friends.  These awards will be given out to thank and publicly recognize 3 selfless defenders of the preborn who don't normally get much attention for their tireless work, and to inspire this generation of pro-life leaders to follow these these defenders' footsteps. We also hope that this annual awards ceremony will serve as a strong reminder to those students we work with that driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other mind-altering substances is never the pro-life choice."

I liked this reminder that creating a Culture of Life means so much more than ending abortion. It means valuing and caring for people, respecting their human dignity, and doing all we can to avoid taking life.

When I teach children in religion class, I am obliged to instruct them about their Circle of Grace. The Circle of Grace extends as far out as they can extend their arms, and all around. It extends as far overhead as they can reach, and it encompasses each child all the way down to the floor. The most important person in that Circle is Jesus, then Others, then Yourself.  When we live with those priorities in mind, remaining open to the Holy Spirit, we experience JOY. We can remain in that JOY for all eternity, living in God's circle of Grace in Heaven, if we always respond to Grace by the way we make choices in regard for the dignity of others as well as our own.

Creating a Culture of Life means cherishing the Circle of Grace of every other human being on the planet, not only in our respect for them, but in calling each person to respect their own Circle.

When we pray at 1625 Opdyke, we are cherishing the Circle of Grace that encompasses each soul whose Grace is threatened: the children in the womb, the parents to whom God has entrusted those children, and the staff who are willing to murder that child for profit. We are praying for the construction workers who will make it possible for those staff to kill, the lawyers who defend the killers, the taxpayers who fund these killers, and the presidential administration that made it possible for the killers to earn their profit here in Oakland County.

All of these souls need our prayer & fasting. "Where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our best Valentine ever

Today my wife, who is in her 38th week, had her OB appointment. The OB could not tell for certain the location of our baby's head in the womb. If the one bulge was a head and not a buttock, then it meant the baby would have to rotate. So she ordered an ultrasound to make sure.

It turns out our little one's head is simply off to the side a little, so the shoulder is down where the head needs to be. Nothing worrisome, just needs some encouragement to go head first.

But the best part is that we got to see our baby on St. Valentine's Day! How rare to see an ultrasound at 38 weeks, and how rarely do pictures of a baby so far along turn out so well:

Can you tell the face in this second one, which is a 3D scan? There's a little nose and mouth :)

The best part was our toddler's reaction when she saw the video: "It's a BAby!!" We were able to show her the baby we've been talking about for months now, and she was so excited.

We can't wait for our little one to be born. Happy Valentine's Day!

Prayer works

We are disappointed that the killing continues, however, there are great gains that have been made in the past year alone, and we should be encouraged by them. First of all — and most important — the majority of Americans now believe that there are too many abortions, that more protection should be given to the unborn, that restrictions on abortion should be imposed. Eighty percent believe that late term abortions should be banned.

America is becoming more pro-life than before. In 1991 there were 2,200 abortion clinics in the United States; today there are only 670! That’s a net loss of 1,530. In the past 18 months alone some 50 clinics have closed their doors permanently. Wichita, Kansas, does not have a single clinic still open. The hearts of Americans have been changing — and that is what we need to bring about a change in laws.

In addition this past year, pro-life bills have flooded American legislatures. Over 900 were introduced in 2011 and many of them passed into law. Others will become law as the legislative processes unfold. Seven states passed legislation that banned so-called “telemed” abortions, i.e. abortions that are done by taking pills under the direction of a doctor via video teleconferencing. That is the only contact with a physician during the procedure.

Six states passed laws banning abortions of babies 20 weeks old based on the presumption of fetal pain. Thirteen other states introduce similar bills that are working their way through the legislative process. Scientists agree that an unborn baby at five months is capable of suffering during an abortion. Many states have more closely regulated abortion clinics, removed millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood from state budgets, authorized the mandatory showing of sonograms of the unborn baby to the mother. It is hard to deny the humanity of the child when his/her picture is seen.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Defend Life? Defend Marriage!

While pro-life outreach has become a commonplace feature of campus life at many Catholic and secular colleges, many students who oppose same-sex “marriage” think twice about speaking out.

“There is diversity of opinion on that among kids coming to our conferences,” agreed Kristan Hawkins, 26, president of Students for Life, which has experienced a rapid increase in membership. Since the group opened its doors in 2005, the number of affiliated schools and colleges and graduate programs has jumped from 181 to 670.

“A lot of students will have qualms about ‘gay marriage.’ But where the rubber hits the road they will be quiet on that issue. Some student leaders disagree with us on this. They are pro-life, but they are pro-‘gay marriage,’” said Hawkins.

She said her generation’s exposure to the destructive consequences of abortion has fueled a steady reassessment of life issues.

“They are personal witnesses to abortion. They have grown up with this. We talk about abortion as a human-rights issue. With ‘gay marriage,’ you are not stopping murder. But with legal abortion, every day children are dying; women are scarred forever.”

Personal Experience
However, personal experience has largely taken young Americans in a different direction on marriage. “They have grown up with friends who are gay; family members are gay. It’s difficult for them to say, ‘I don’t think you have the right to be married,’” she noted.

Hawkins observed that it would be a mistake to underestimate the power of political correctness and a narrow, secular mindset on many U.S. campuses, including some Catholic colleges.

“It’s enough for students to say they are Christian. There is no way they will [publicly] oppose ‘gay marriage.’ It is a problem. We don’t take a stance. It will take time to deal with this issue,” she concluded.
At Grand Valley State University in Michigan, junior Raymond “R.J.” McVeigh, president of the campus Students for Life group, echoed this judgment.

His group of 30 members concentrates on helping peers struggling with crisis pregnancies, providing a range of support, from meals to babysitting.

“Our group solely focuses on life issues, and we are classified as a service and advocacy group, as opposed to a religious group. We stay away from other themes,” he said, adding that their advocacy focuses on abortion as a human-rights issue, not a religious issue.

“The challenge our members face is the dilemma of moral relevancy: How can they relate and talk about something that is intrinsically good or evil? In an increasingly secular society, many students who are Catholic and Christians are careful about coming out with their beliefs. They try to find different ways to talk about abortion as a human-rights issue, not as a religious issue,” he said.

Catherine Palmer, a pro-life leader at the College of William and Mary, applauded Students for Life’s “Pregnant on Campus Initiative.” She described the program as “first, to love the pregnant and parenting women on our campuses, serving them, holistically, as best we can. Resources ought to be in place for them to both care for their child and finish college, should they so choose.”

Meanwhile, her organization “takes no official stance on same-sex ‘marriage.’ My position on the matter is that same-sex ‘marriage’ is a significant sociocultural concern. Surely, homosexual persons are owed profound love and respect, bearing equally massive dignity as any other person. Yet marriage, in its perennial sense, between one man and one woman, contributes intuitively to the common good, and particularly to the needs of children.”

Staying Focused
For now, most campus pro-life leaders will stay focused on the fight against abortion. But their hand could be forced as the advance of “marriage equality” flattens conscience provisions that could ultimately affect pro-life Americans in the workplace. Down the road, pro-life and traditional-marriage activists could find themselves having a common cause.

Indeed, Emily Bissonnette, a former president of the pro-life group at Franciscan University who now works as a theology of the body education coordinator at Ruah Woods in Cincinnati, suggested that Catholic students should take time to grapple with the moral and theological connection between two hot-button issues.

“Pope John Paul II … said that the root of the culture of death is ‘an eclipse of the sense of God and of man.’  Through that lens, we can see the link between same-sex ‘marriage’ and abortion and, consequently, the link between defending life and defending marital love between one man and one woman,” said Bissonnette.

“If we look at abortion primarily as a matter of rights, then it can be difficult to see how marriage should be promoted within pro-life clubs on campus. But when seen as a matter of the dignity of the human person through ‘adequate anthropology,’ then the two issues can be seen as standing or falling together,” she added.

This is why I blog

Secular progressive bias in the media was never more evident than in the past few weeks with the difference in coverage of two major news stories — the temporary cutoff of funds from the Susan G. Komen Foundation to Planned Parenthood and the ultimatum from the Obama administration that the Catholic Church and its institutions had a year to find a way to violate their consciences and beliefs and provide contraceptive services as mandated by ObamaCare.

A study by the Media Research Center (MRC) shows that in the first 60 hours after the Feb. 1 announcement that Komen was cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood, no fewer than 13 major stories appeared on CBS, NBC and ABC morning and evening news shows with 35 clips and quotes coming from supporters or representatives of Planned Parenthood and only 11 from Komen representatives or supporters.

By contrast, MRC notes, when the Obama administration announced on Jan. 20 that it was giving religious institutions one year to comply with a mandate for coverage of sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs and contraception in their health plans without a co-pay, it took CBS 10 days to air one news brief on the controversy while NBC and ABC said nothing for two weeks.

All the more reason to turn off your TV and pray at 1625 Opdyke.

What is Love?

“Sometimes when we are taking care of people who can’t really respond to us, they can never say thank you and it all seems so futile that they are just lying there and not doing anything.

“But when we take care of someone like that, we are changed. When you are not actually looking for anything in return, that is to truly love somebody in an unconditional way. Caring for someone with such brain injuries may be the highest manifestation of human love, knowing that you will never receive even a word of thanks from the injured person or anything in reply.”

Important words to ponder when we pray on the sidewalk for the children who lives might be spared, and we will never even know until we meet our Maker.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Rise against the machine

I had always known - philosophically - that the battles we face here on earth are just a reflection of a larger spiritual conflict, but to be there in the midst of these terrible forces of power and corruption and the war they were raging against one individual brave enough to stand up against them was breathtaking:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
It is in that framework that I see the noble but naive attempt of the Komen Foundation to cast off the shackles of death that have chained it to Planned Parenthood. When Komen announced that they would no longer fund Planned Parenthood for their phony mammograms, they came under an assault similar to the deadly whipping a runaway slave would receive from a vicious, angry monster/master.

In the one day that the Komen decision stood, they were rewarded with $1,000,000 from pro-life people like you and me, who wanted to show their support. One million dollars in 24 hours!

But Planned Parenthood's death-machine swiftly ground into action, agitating supporters to raise $400,000 themselves - but more insidiously, putting companies that supported both organizations on notice that PP would organize boycotts against them unless they withdrew support from Komen. Yes, really!!!! PP, the Biggest Corporate Bully of All Time - was determined that if the Komen Foundation withdrew its support, they would crush them forever!

This truly shows the lies on which the rhetoric of the Left is built. PP claims to be a friend of women, while in reality it is a corporate monster intent on increasing profits every year through promoting promiscuity and raking in millions from abortions to "solve" the problem it does its best to exacerbate. PP has no conscience, only the same greed that motivates most corporations - multiplies exponentially by a religious zealotry regarding abortion as some kind of sacrament rather than the murder that it truly is.

And let's not forget that in every abortion, the baby is not the only victim. There is the heartbreak and guilt of the mother, the loss to the family and the community of a person who could have turned out to be a president or a culture-changing genius (Obama and Steve Jobs were both born of single mothers who could have chosen abortion).

Planned Parenthood isn't about serving the health of women. And abortion isn't about choice. If Planned Parenthood believed in choice and respected women, they would certainly have graciously received the news of the Komen Foundation's choice and moved on. They would have written their supporters something cuing them to also accept this news with respect and dignity, rather than whipping them into a frenzy of hatred and revenge. They would not have used racketeering techniques (once used to strip pro-life leaders of their homes and assets) to crush a well-meaning organization who dared step off the plantation.

Just as In Lila Rose's exposes of daily life in Planned Parenthood clinics - where counselors figure out how to cover up rape, prostitution and human trafficking while hooking innocent women up with government-paid abortions - this recent political tragedy has revealed Planned Parenthood for the deadly machine it's become.

Read all of it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pray for Komen

“We should continue to pray for Nancy Brinker and all of her colleagues at the Susan G. Komen Foundation,” said Ruse.

As for whether Komen has “caved” to the pro-Planned Parenthood outcry, many say that the real outcome can’t be known for some time. National Right to Life President Carol Tobias urged Komen to stay on track and approve no future funding to Planned Parenthood. “Right-to-life supporters do not want their donations for fighting cancer to go to organizations that perform abortions,” wrote Tobias in a Friday statement.

Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life said it was “unfortunate” that the relationship between Komen and the abortion industry had been confused, but praised the newfound media exposure of Planned Parenthood’s irrelevance – despite their talking points to the contrary – in the breast cancer battle.

“The American public has learned this week that Planned Parenthood does not actually provide front-line breast health services:  Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms – a service that saved my life,” said Yoest.

“Komen’s long-standing partnership with the nation’s largest abortion provider has allowed Planned Parenthood to whitewash the central fact that their core mission involves providing abortion.”

Good thing we have 40 days of prayer coming up, eh?

News from National

Just two weeks from today -- starting on Wednesday,
February 22 -- a staggering 251 cities from coast to
coast in the United States plus Canada, England,
Australia and Spain will simultaneously launch local
40 Days for Life campaigns.

The full list of locations for the upcoming 40 Days
for Life campaign is now posted online at:


The coordinated international campaign will be
conducted from February 22 through April 1,
coinciding with the Christian season of Lent -- and
it couldn't be happening at a more important time.

From the start of the 40th year of legal abortion
in America ... to Planned Parenthood's vicious attack
on the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation ... to
the HHS mandate forcing religious employers' health
plans to include coverage of abortion-causing drugs
... to the closure of more abortion facilities and
the conversions of more abortion workers ... we are
on the verge of a BREAKTHROUGH in our unified efforts
to end abortion.

And YOU can help save lives by getting involved in
the Auburn Hills/Pontiac 40 Days for Life campaign!

Here's a quick list of the blessings that God has
provided through seven previous coordinated
40 Days for Life campaigns:

 * HALF A MILLION volunteers have participated in
  40 Days for Life campaigns

 * 15,000+ church congregations have participated
  in 40 Days for Life campaigns

 * Reports document 5,045 lives that have been spared
  from abortion -- and those are just the ones we
  know about

 * 61 abortion workers have quit their jobs and
  walked away from the abortion industry

 * 21 abortion facilities have completely shut down
  following local 40 Days for Life campaigns outside
  their doors

 * Women and men have been spared from the effects of
  abortion, including a lifetime of regrets

 * More than 1,500 news stories have been featured in
  radio shows, newspapers, magazines and TV programs

 * Many people with past abortion experiences have
  begun post-abortion healing and recovery

 * People of faith and conscience are experiencing a
  renewed sense of HOPE!

I'm excited to see what God will do this spring ...

... and I'm thrilled to have YOU as part of it!

In Michigan we will be joining in prayer with:

Ann Arbor





Sterling Heights

Traverse City

and all my friends in Grand Rapids who are cheering us on :) 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Choose Motherhood

In 1981, Kathy DiFiore reached a defining moment in her life.  The NYU graduate with an MBA and a successful career as a Wall Street executive was feeling spiritually unfulfilled.  Raised in a Catholic family, Kathy was especially influenced by her grandmother who always taught her to keep Jesus at the center of her life.

With a heart for the unborn – and an awareness that many families would throw their daughter out of the house when they discovered she was pregnant, Kathy decided to offer her New Jersey home as a shelter for a pregnant teenager. After taking in that first girl, Kathy believed she had found the right mission. She put an ad in the local newspaper with her phone number and the message, “Pregnant? Need help?”   Sure enough, she got numerous calls and welcomed more young women over the next several years, helping to care for them materially, emotionally and spiritually. She credits the growth of the project to a higher power than herself, saying, “I guess it’s something God wanted to happen…The next thing I knew, people at work and my family were stepping forward [to help] because – who doesn’t like babies?”

One of the things that Kathy has learned over the past 30 years of pro-life work is how to counsel girls who are considering abortion. It’s advice that anyone can follow. She says, “I always feel the best way to resolve the conflict is spiritual. God tells us…that His laws are written on our hearts. So I always say, ‘You know in your heart God doesn’t want you to [have the abortion]. If you’re reaching out to us, you’re reaching out for a reason. And there are people who will help you. Not just me. I love you and want you to have your baby. But there are [also] tens of thousands of people out there that will help you. God has brought you to us for a reason, and now He’s going to bring even more people to you and surround you with His holy angels so that you can have your precious baby.’”

Read more about Kathy here.