"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Please pray

On 2/22, Ash Wednesday, from 6-7pm, the last hour of prayer for the
first of forty days of peaceful prayer vigilance, Monica will be
leading a mini-kickoff. Some of you may not have been able to make it
this past Sunday for the regional Kickoff. She will speak a few words,
and I ask that you join in praying for the success of this campaign.

Please pray for the appeals process, that Judge Alexander's decision
will be overturned. Please pray for the lawyers representing Planned
Parenthood, that they might experience conversion. Please pray for the
lawyers representing Comfort Suites, that they might be sustained in
their task. Please pray for the contractors that are going to help PP
build their mega-facility, that they might experience conversion.
Please pray for the City of Auburn Hills, that they will seek to make
PP unwelcome to do business. Please pray for the passersby who will
witness us praying on the sidewalk, that their hearts and minds might
be opened to the truth. Please pray for the PP staff who will occupy
this building, that they might have the scales fall from their eyes.
Please pray for the parents who contemplate this decision to abort
their child, may their hearts be opened to receiving their child as a
blessing. Please pray for our society and our government that support
this scourge, may healing come upon us. Please pray for the flowering
of a Culture of Life in Oakland County. Please pray for the success of
the campaigns in Bloomfield Hills, Southfield, and Ann Arbor, and for
the vigil coordinators there. Please pray for Monica Miller. Please
pray for Lauren Muzyka, Sean Carney, David Brandao, and David Bereit
from the national team. Please pray for Tim and Brenda and all the
people who work or volunteer in their pregnancy resource centers.
Please pray for Jim Sesi and all those who work or volunteer for Right
to Life. Please pray that captains will come forward to adopt entire
days of prayer and who will recruit participants. Please pray for the
technology that we use, that it may serve us well. Please pray for
1625 Opdyke, that it will remain a nondescript piece of property and
not a place where thousands of children will lose their lives.

Please pray for the children whose lives will be saved when 1625
Opdyke shuts down.
Peace of Christ be with you!

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