"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Friday, February 17, 2012

Right vs. Might

Below is fact and fiction on the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act:

THE CLAIM: Senator Blunt’s amendment would allow anyone to deny coverage of any health care for any reason. It would take    us back to the medical dark ages. THE FACTS: This is unequivocally false. Senator Blunt’s amendment simply restores conscience protections that existed before President Obama’s flawed health care law – the same protections that have existed for more than 220 years since the First Amendment was ratified.
THE CLAIM: Any employer can deny coverage of specific items under Senator Blunt’s amendment – whether faith-based or secular. THE FACTS: Senator Blunt’s amendment would do nothing to change or restrict the same rights that Americans have enjoyed for more than 220 years. If an employer has a religious or moral objection to a type of coverage, Senator Blunt’s amendment affords them the same rights that they had before ObamaCare to negotiate a plan with a health insurance company that meets their needs.However, Senator Blunt’s amendment does nothing to force the health insurance company to offer that plan – it simply ensures that Americans are guaranteed the same rights and freedoms that they enjoyed before President Obama’s unconstitutional mandate.Senator Blunt’s amendment also provides a private right of action for employers and individuals who believe their conscience rights have been violated by government mandates. Federal courts are well equipped to identify spurious claims.
  THE CLAIM: Senator Blunt’s amendment would gut existing state mandates on contraception coverage. THE FACTS: Senator Blunt’s amendment would not impact existing state laws, and it does not address any other law other than President Obama’s flawed health care plan.
  THE CLAIM: There is no precedent for broad conscience protections like ones that the Blunt amendment would enact. THE FACTS: Many longstanding federal health care conscience laws protect conscientious objections to certain types of medical services.

To read Senator Blunt’s amendment, please click here.

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