Just two weeks from today -- starting on Wednesday,
February 22 -- a staggering 251 cities from coast to
coast in the United States plus Canada, England,
Australia and Spain will simultaneously launch local
40 Days for Life campaigns.
The full list of locations for the upcoming 40 Days
for Life campaign is now posted online at:
The coordinated international campaign will be
conducted from February 22 through April 1,
coinciding with the Christian season of Lent -- and
it couldn't be happening at a more important time.
From the start of the 40th year of legal abortion
in America ... to Planned Parenthood's vicious attack
on the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation ... to
the HHS mandate forcing religious employers' health
plans to include coverage of abortion-causing drugs
... to the closure of more abortion facilities and
the conversions of more abortion workers ... we are
on the verge of a BREAKTHROUGH in our unified efforts
to end abortion.
And YOU can help save lives by getting involved in
the Auburn Hills/Pontiac 40 Days for Life campaign!
Here's a quick list of the blessings that God has
provided through seven previous coordinated
40 Days for Life campaigns:
* HALF A MILLION volunteers have participated in
40 Days for Life campaigns
* 15,000+ church congregations have participated
in 40 Days for Life campaigns
* Reports document 5,045 lives that have been spared
from abortion -- and those are just the ones we
know about
* 61 abortion workers have quit their jobs and
walked away from the abortion industry
* 21 abortion facilities have completely shut down
following local 40 Days for Life campaigns outside
their doors
* Women and men have been spared from the effects of
abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
* More than 1,500 news stories have been featured in
radio shows, newspapers, magazines and TV programs
* Many people with past abortion experiences have
begun post-abortion healing and recovery
* People of faith and conscience are experiencing a
renewed sense of HOPE!
I'm excited to see what God will do this spring ...
... and I'm thrilled to have YOU as part of it!
In Michigan we will be joining in prayer with:
Ann Arbor
Sterling Heights
Traverse City
and all my friends in Grand Rapids who are cheering us on :)
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