In the last book of the Lord of the Rings, the hobbits return from their harrowing battles against evil forces abroad. Sam and Frodo have entered the very center of Mordor and thrown the ring of power into the fires of Mt. Doom, thereby bringing an end to Sauron's reign of terror. Merry and Pippin have summoned the Ents to dismantle Saruman's fortress and fought with the armies of Rohan and Gondor in the war against Mordor. All four of them look forward to a quiet retirement in the peaceful Shire they had left behind.What they find to their dismay is that Saruman, though weakened, has infiltrated the Shire with his dark schemes and destructive lies.
When Tolkien wrote this chapter, he clearly referred to his real-life experience, coming home from war only to see how much the industrialization and mechanization of warfare had compromised the peaceful agrarian lifestyle of the English countryside. The idyllic setting of his childhood he had left behind no longer existed.
In a similar vein, I confronted our modern-day Mordor when I prayed for an end to abortion in Ann Arbor outside the Planned Parenthood there, in Southfield at the facility where a nefarious Hodari dumped children's bodies in the trash, and in Grand Rapids where for two years I was Vigil Coordinator at 320 Fulton. Imagine my dismay when I learned that Planned Parenthood, though it has suffered numerous defeats elsewhere in our country, is being given a warm welcome in my hometown, just minutes away from the place where I was born and raised.
Evil is persistent, therefore our work is never done, but we can pray that abortion never has to begin in north Oakland County. If they succeed, this will be the largest facility of its kind in the state of Michigan. Auburn Hills, the Shire of my youth, will be washed in the blood of untold thousands of children. May it never be so! May the Lord shield our children, our daughters, our wives, from the corruption, the deceipt, the pain, and the loss of life that visits every victim of Planned Parenthood. Let us pray for a culture of life in north Oakland County and the repudiation of this facility and the protection of all it seeks to destroy.
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