"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stand True

Bryan Kemper provides a valuable eyewitness account from the March:
I think giving an account of the Annual March for Life is my most dreaded yearly report; this means we have started another year of decriminalized child killing in America. This year being the start of the 40th year makes it even more painful than ever as we are reaching the mark of a full generation being under the shadow of the abortion holocaust. 

While I may be sad that we have entered another year, I am also encouraged by what I am seeing in the youth pro-life movement. This year we hosted the first annual Official March for Life Youth Rally as part of the March for Life Convention. I was excited to bring together such amazing youth pro-life leaders as Lila Rose, Kristin Hawkins, Jason Jones and so many others in a unified effort to educate, activate and equip young people to stand up and be a voice.

We were initially hoping to see about 800 -1,000 young people show up for the rally and we were ecstatic when it reached standing room only with almost 1,500 people attending the rally. About 30 minutes into the rally, as I was about to introduce Nelly Grey, the founder of the March for Life, approximately 15-20 pro-abortion protestors stood up and interrupted the rally.
I looked out at the huge crowd of young pro-lifers and watched their reaction to the protesters and it brought such joy to my heart. Lila Rose took the microphone and started to lead them in prayer and I watched as hundreds of hands raised towards the protesters as the pro-lifers began to pray for them. There was not angry exchange, but an outpouring of love from the pro-life youth, and the protesters simply walked away when security arrived and we continued our rally.

I am so proud of this youth pro-life movement and the momentum we are gaining in the battle. I was on one of the biggest highs of my life as I watched these youth eat up every word from our speakers and cheered as we proclaimed that this will be the generation that will end the abortion holocaust. 

We already have some amazing plans for next year, but in the meantime you can see pictures from the youth rally and the rest of the Stand True March for Life Weekend at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150554099098556.393537.501983555&type=3

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