"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Thursday, January 12, 2012

It takes a Shire

You've heard it takes a village...and that's no less true when you are coordinating 40 days of vigilant fasting & peaceful prayer. Brenda Savage of Oakland County Right to Life & Birth Choice PRC is helping me put together a leadership team, and Tim Stickels of Crossroads Pregnancy Center has confirmed his support.

I hope to hear from the Oakland University SFL and area Knights of Columbus. I also hope to get the parishes of St. Damien and other churches in Pontiac involved, since abortion is the number one cause of death for black children, and non-white Hispanic women in urban areas are favorite targets for Planned Parenthood, whose eugenics policy should be well-known to all of you by now. Of course, they will also be startegically positioned to reach OU co-eds whose unexpected pregancies lead them to believe that they can't finish their degree and afford a baby, even though all the resources they need are available to them.

Please pray that hearts and minds in Oakland County will be illuminated by the love of Christ and the truths of God's Law. Pray that neighbors will oppose the construction of a mega-facility in their backyard. Pray that the Auburn Hills City Council will find a reason why PP is not welcome in their city. Pray that the construction engineers will have a change of heart and refuse to do business with Saruman. Pray that ordinary Frodos and noble Aragorns will step forward to resist the captivations of the culture of death. Pray that falsehood and deceptions will be dispelled in the minds of citizens who truly believe that keeping abortion legal will make them safe and rare, when PP stands to profit so much from the torment of young or impoverished mothers who feel they have no other choice or the fear of experienced mothers who are scared of what their husbands or coworkers will say when they become pregnant with another baby. Pray that women will seek alternatives that respect human dignity, the dignity of their child and their own dignity. Pray that the men in these women's lives will protect the human dignity of the woman they love and the child she bears. Pray that the lawyers and employees of Planned Parenthood will see the error of their ways, as did Abby Johnson, who truly believed once in the fiction that what she was doing was helping women. Pray that women who have lived with the pain, wounds, and scars of abortion will step forward to discourage their sisters from making that destructive choice to take an innocent human life.

Most of all pray for the thousands of children who will be dismembered allive, dissolved alive, and their corpses incinerated (that's how facilities like this get rid of the "byproduct") daily at 1625 Opdyke when the mega-facility opens for business. Pray for the most vulnerable people in our society, whose rights are denied, even though they are genetically-distinct human individuals. Pray for the ones whose silent scream will never be heard except by their guardian angel. May the blood of the Lamb wash over us and our nation as we continue to fund this atrocity. May God have mercy on our souls! May these children forgive us in heaven!

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