Many bloggers have posted about the March for Life. Here's a sample:
Steven Greydanus
Archdiocese of Washington
This blogger has a great video and poem.
Read the whole article at Public Discourse, which has this to say:
"Over the past forty years, one-sixth of the American population has
been killed by abortion. One in four African-Americans is killed before
birth. Abortion is the leading cause of (unnatural) death in America.
It is almost too much to contemplate: the prospect that we are living
in the midst of, and accepting (to various degrees) one of the greatest
human holocausts in history. And so we don’t contemplate it. Instead,
we look for ways to deny this grim reality, minimize it, or explain away
our complacency—or complicity."
This is why we need to fast & pray. No, I personally won't be having any abortions-- but our entire society, of which I am a part, have been complicit. Sin abounds because grace has not- and I know the extent to which I am responsible for the sins I have committed. Therefore, I must pray that God heal my heart so that I can pray that God heals all of our hearts. All of us have allowed abortion to happen, and all of us must do something about it. Hence, 40 Days.
We must all be in this together. WE have caused abortion. WE must all be part of the solution.
The March for Life allows us to see how very much we are all in this together. And when we pray outside of the clinics, having asked the Lord to be enthroned in our hearts, then we stand on the sidewalk in unison with Christ and all the angels and all the children who have ever been aborted, and we are not alone. And the children who die in those clinics are not alone.
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