Over the past three decades the world has come to witness an ominous and
entirely new form of gender discrimination: sex-selective feticide,
implemented through the practice of surgical abortion with the
assistance of information gained through prenatal gender determination
technology. All around the world, the victims of this new practice are
overwhelmingly female — in fact, almost universally female. The practice
has become so ruthlessly routine in many contemporary societies that it
has impacted their very population structures, warping the balance
between male and female births and consequently skewing the sex ratios
for the rising generation toward a biologically unnatural excess of
males. This still-growing international predilection for sex-selective
abortion is by now evident in the demographic contours of dozens of
countries around the globe — and it is sufficiently severe that it has
come to alter the overall sex ratio at birth of the entire planet,
resulting in millions upon millions of new “missing baby girls” each
year. In terms of its sheer toll in human numbers, sex-selective
abortion has assumed a scale tantamount to a global war against baby
read all about the Global War Against Girls
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