to an analysis by Stop Planned Parenthood International, a project of American
Life League, the latest Annual Report of the PPFA already marks a significant
decline in several respects from the report for 2008-2009: income decreased 4.7% (from $1,100.8
million to $1,048.2 million);
profits were down 70.8% (from $63.4 million to $18.5 million), and, most
tellingly, private contributions decreased 27% (from $308.2 million to $223.8
million). Attempts to economize by
closings and consolidations reduced the number of affiliates to 88 (from 95, a
7.4% decrease) and the number of clinics to 840 (from 865, a 2.9%
decrease). The only real “positive
news” is a reported increase in government funding (from $363.2 million to $487.4
million), so that taxpayer monies provided 46.5% of Planned Parenthood income
in 2009-2010...
the best news is that local communities are waking up to the nefarious policies
and revolting track record of Planned Parenthood. For example, after two decades of inviting Planned
Parenthood to offer “interactive lessons in health education” to high school
and middle school classes several times a year, the Shenendehowa school
district in New York State has now severed its relationship with Planned
Parenthood Mohawk Hudson after a small group of parents raised objections in
October to the content and graphic character of the “instruction”. Some of the credit for this reawakening
should go to 40 Days For Life, a nationally coordinated grass-roots movement
which not only conducts prayer vigils at abortion facilities, but also educates
and mobilizes the local community for the pro-life cause.
read all about it.
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