"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Planned Parenthood hates Motherhood

As such, a woman’s physical body, which is designed to bear, nourish, and nurture life, is a sign of a soul that is called to do the same. The physical design speaks to the spiritual call, to the need for women to cultivate our interior disposition to love everyone and everything with a mother’s love, tending to the lost, the wounded, and the forgotten, while nourishing and nurturing all who cross our path with wisdom, compassion, and attention.

Motherhood truly is women’s genius. Motherhood is women’s call. And our broken, battered, bleeding world needs us ever so desperately to answer that call. It’s crying out for us. It’s longing for women, all women, to be who we’re called to be and to show the culture the face of God as only women can.

And that is what Planned Parenthood and its fellow travelers have set themselves dead against.
They don’t want women to understand the truth about our nature. They don’t want us to think of our fertility as the physical expression of a spiritual reality, an integral part of who we are, and a sign of who we’re called to be. Whether they know it or not, they don’t want us to be women at all.

What they do want is for us to think of our fertility as a problem to be managed and motherhood (as the commenter framed it) as a primitive biological urge inferior to higher ideological “urges” like being a doctor or a lawyer. Again, they want us to think of it as a choice, not as a divine task to be taken up by every woman according to her vocation and state in life. That’s why they’re all for the government or employers picking up the tab on the medical costs associated with preventing pregnancy, but not the medical costs associated with facilitating pregnancy.

Not to go all Rick Santorum on you, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that for almost 100 years, Planned Parenthood has been in bed with the devil. It has sought to destroy entire races. It has slaughtered the innocent. And it has relentlessly peddled a twisted ideology calculated to destroy the feminine genius, helping lead countless women down a path of self-destruction, a path where they are used, abused, and discarded like yesterday’s trash.

It hasn’t brought freedom. It hasn’t liberated women. It has enslaved them. And it’s done so wearing the mask of a benevolent health care provider.

by Emily Stimpson

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