"So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up...and they took the city."-Joshua 6:1-27

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More than just abortions

The Planned Parenthood facility in Cedar Rapids does
not currently do surgical or RU-486 abortions. But the
40 Days for Life volunteers praying on the sidewalk
outside know they're making a difference.

"The response from people driving by has been very
positive lately," said Jim in Cedar Rapids, "and we've
seen some success."

When volunteers talk to clients about the things
Planned Parenthood does in other places, they start
to think about getting routine health services from
somewhere other than America's leading abortion chain.

They're also able to give information about local
pro-life resources to women who go there for
pregnancy tests.

They also heard from a teenager who had an appointment
to remove a contraceptive implant. "She said she would
rather be abstinent and not return as a client," Jim
said. "How often do you hear that from a teen that's
used Planned Parenthood's services for several years?"

Jim said with continued prayer, "we hope webcam (RU-486
distributed via the internet) and surgical abortions
never make it to Cedar Rapids -- or your community."

You can bet that once Planned Parenthood gets established in the largest facility in the state, they will be doing surgical, chemical, and webcam abortions. They will be infiltrating Lake Orion High School, Pontiac Northern, Adams, and Rochester High. And they will be talking to your teens without your consent!

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