America, you are beautiful indeed, and blessed in so many ways ... But
your greatest beauty and your richest blessing is found in the human
person: in each man, woman and child, in every immigrant, in every
native-born son and daughter. For this reason, America, your deepest
identity and truest character as a Nation is revealed in the position
you take towards the human person.The ultimate test of your greatness is
in the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and
most defenseless ones.
Blessed John Paul II spoke these words
during his apostolic visit to the United States on September 19, 1987.
Nearly twenty-five years later his words offer us opportunity for
reflection and observation: Sadly our nation has not heeded the late
Holy Father's words and has moved further away from an authentic Culture
of Life. Instead, our leaders have created policies that have only
accelerated our descent towards a Culture of Death in the name of sexual
freedom without responsibility, that have ultimately led to loss of
millions of innocent lives through abortion.
In his remarks, the late Holy Father reflected on America's place in history and referenced some of her identifying qualities:
genius for invention and for splendid progress; in the power that you
use for service and in the wealth that you share with others; in what
you give to your own, and in what you do for others beyond your borders;
in how you serve, and in how you keep alive the flame of hope in many
hearts; in your quest for excellence and in your desire to right all
With these words, the Holy
Father was not only reminding Americans about our great accomplishments,
but he was reminding us of our responsibility as stewards of the great
gifts we've received. He continued by speaking about America's desire
for equality, justice, true freedom and lasting peace, adding that these
can only be realized if America defends life. A lasting prosperity and
just moral order are possible in America, but only to the extent that every human being is guaranteed the right to pursue happiness, liberty and justice.
How appropriate for us to
reflect on the challenging and prophetic words of Blessed John Paul as
our nation comes to this pivotal moment and decides its future. We have a
place in history, but how we are remembered is up to us. Will we take
an account of our actions and reconcile with our God and neighbor, or
will we continue to follow the path that will potentially lead to our
nation's demise? Will we be a nation of life or continue to be a nation
of death?
- words to ponder from Human Life International
- words to ponder from Human Life International
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