our fast is not performed with humility, it will not be pleasing to
God… St. Paul in the epistle that he wrote to the Corinthians [1 Cot:
13]…declared the conditions necessary for disposing ourselves to fast
well during Lent. He says this to us: Lent is approaching. Prepare
yourselves to fast with charity, for if your fast is performed without
it, it will be vain and useless, since fasting, like all other good
works, is not pleasing to God unless it is done in charity and through
charity. When you discipline yourself, when you say long prayers, if you
have not charity, all that is nothing. Even though you should work
miracles, if you have not charity, they will not profit you at all.
Indeed, even if you should suffer martyrdom without charity, your
martyrdom is worth nothing and would not be meritorious in the eyes of
the Divine Majesty. For all works, small or great, however good they may
be in themselves, are of no value and profit us nothing if they are not
done in charity and through charity.
I say the same now: if your fast is without humility, it is worth nothing and cannot be pleasing to the Lord…"
-from the Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent
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