There is another unseemly aspect of the pill that is only now getting
attention: its strong causal link to abortion. In one respect,
“contraceptive” is a misnomer for the pill, because it sometimes does
its work after conception by preventing the fertilized egg from
implanting in the mother’s womb. In other words, it is an abortifacient.
But the link to abortion goes further. The essence of the contraceptive
mentality is to drive a wedge between sex and babies. Once a society
does this and goes on a spree of sterilized sex, it has to have abortion
as a backup in case a contraceptive fails or (as happens with
teenagers) isn’t pulled out of the pocket at the critical moment.
The Church’s insistence on the link between contraception and abortion occasionally gets support in surprising quarters. In
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
the U.S. Supreme Court, on its perennial search for the most
plausible-sounding sophistries to uphold legalized abortion, stated:
[F]or two decades of economic and social developments, people have
organized intimate relationships and made choices that define their
views of themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the
availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail.
In other words, we need abortion so that people can continue their contraceptive lifestyles.
Read the rest
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