God seemed so distant, so cold. Why had he allowed me to be raped
in my own home as my babies slept in the next room? And why had he
allowed my third child to be conceived in this way, instead of within
the sanctity of marriage, as Steve and I had planned?
But God was there. Although sin had its run, God was there. We just
had to be reminded that He is not a God of easy fixes. Steve and I
became desperate, and sometimes it’s that human desperation that drives
us to God. We know Him; we love Him; we say we trust Him. But sometimes,
we do not cleave to Him as the lover of our souls until we find
ourselves completely helpless.
As for the fairness of being victimized, we have to realize that
ever since sin began there have been victims. Cain slew Abel (Gen.
4:1-8). Amnon raped Tamar (2 Sam. 13:1-22). But what should the victims
and their families do with their pain? Do they resort to their own
devices, or do they give it to God and His will?
An Innocent Life
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